lucas' webpage

Development notes

software dashboard


Known Issues 😳

  • Putting id attributes on backlink elements don’t work consistently. For instance, plain list items are not wrapped by an element. Perhaps I should add a Target inline element to the AST instead, and rework the backlink preview functionality to be more similar to what it was before (without fancy buggy portals).
  • Portal stuff is terrible and should probably be ditched altogether. Transclusion can probably work via walk.query expansions.
  • Attachment figures do not get recognized as figures. Related to AST Annotations.
  • Anchor links to the same file but to a part with a different ID do not work.
  • organon-follow-mode gets confused with headings with the same title.

Editor integration

Robust page following


  • Since headings already have anchors, it’s easy to use AST annotations to reimplement the current following feature but without the issue when there are headings with the same title.
  • Element-wise following requires some thinking, but it should end with something more robust.

    Idea: if the start position is stored in AST and

Sync heading folds

Custom metadata

Use ondim? pageExp could be available inside it, could be used to store stuff like todo states!

Metadata files TODO long

Generated pages TODO long

Pages generated by metadata queries.


Cache the rendering functions

CLI command to clear cache cli

Runs the generator once without writing output, clear what is not used.


If done right, querying can generalize a bunch of patterns you find in a static site. For instance, creating a list of posts with a given tag or creating a list of tags.

[0/1] Syntax

The basic idea here is using affiliated keywords, more specifically backend key/value pairs, and bind expansions providing the query results in the context of its children.

[0/1] Keyword querying with :wrapped TODO
  1. Parse org key-value pairs TODO

Org-formatted queries Priority: B

We could even have a pure Org preprocessor syntax (note: in fact, the expansion would happen during rendering inside Ondim).


This would require more changes to org-hs:

  1. Expansion syntax for objects (and perhaps elements), e.g. using {{{macros}}} for inlines (and something else for elements).

Creating tables:

#+attr_query: :from notes :where (in "games" tags)
| Name | Time Played | Length | Rating |
| {{{q:title}}} | {{{q:m:time-played}}} | {{{q:m:length}}} | {{{q:m:rating}}} |

Or a list:

#+attr_query: :from notes :where (in "games" tags) :where (or (in "moba" tags) (in "crpg" tags))
- {{{note:link}}}

In principle, the output of all examples above could be generated in Org beforehand with lisp, by using src blocks. But the advantage here is that they are updated automatically every time the page renders.

\mathrm{\LaTeX} support

Parallel compilation TODO

    • Note taken on
      This will likely be superseded by the parallel map expansion I plan to put on Organon per se.

    The way things are set up now , the \LaTeX rendering is done during the document rendering (from Org AST to HTML, via Ondim). This has some advantages:

    1. There is no need to encode the output in the AST, which can be limiting — as a result, it is easy to customize how the figure is laid out in HTML via templates;
    2. It fits better in the expansion \iff plugin metaphor I’m aiming for Organon;
    3. Fragments are rendered lazily, just before they are shown in the browser page;
    4. It is more general in that it could more easily be made to work with input types other than Org AST.

    But doing so introduced a performance problem, namely that Ondim rendering is not easily paralellizable because the monad carries a state. The proper way to reimplement that is via what I would call a session expansion.

    Session expansions

    The basic idea is: we have a organon:latex-session expansion which binds organon:render-latex inside.




    ema-loader is a thin wrapper around the fsnotify API. It can be used to coordinate filesystem events in you ema projects. It’s centered around the notion of workspaces.


    The org-mode-hs libraries

    Known Issues 😳

    • Inner links are not working! and they were working before!!

    AST Annotations TODO

    • Note taken on
      Some days ago I had a go at this and gave up. Sadly I don’t remember the problem anymore, but in the end I was sure I would have to parametrize with two types, like OrgDocument element object, and I was sure a single type parameter for metadata would not work.

      Acho que o problema era porque o Walk não iria funcionar bem, seria impossível fazer o Walk construir as anotações aos poucos na hora de resolver os links. Mas pensando agora seria perfeitamente viável, só usar a instância Functor pra colocar uma metadata vazia no lugar antes de andar.

    Investigate the use of trees that grow (note: certainly overkill. A simple type parameter for metadata is for sure much better) to allow annotations in the AST. Use this to implement precise page following for Organon.


    Interaction with export

    Let the export backend define custom ways of expanding the metadata. Those expansions should overwrite the default ones. Probably this should replace the current customization options for the backend.


    Why Ondim?

    Advantages of having the template language built in the target language:

    • No need for special editor support; make use of all the existing tools.
    • Less prone to errors; In some cases, it is even impossible for the templates to result in invalid documents.
    • Context-aware means it’s possible to handle contextual rules like text escaping automatically.
    • Easier to understand visually compared a mix two languages.
    • More modular: no need to write a parser or writer if there are already existing ones.

    Known Issues 😳

    • When using withExpansions to bind, where foo already exists in the environment, the deletion of foo leaks outside.

    Subtemplates hack

    • Some profiling shows one of the mostly costly things when rendering pages is text replacement of attrSub. This is because it parses the same text over and over each time the template is run, countrary to the template itself which is already parsed. I could make the loading functions parse the text once and store the AST as another template that attrSub just calls during expansion.
    • Note to self: difficulties are

      • How to get the text templates from a document in an elegant way. The current way is to run Ondim with errors disabled.
      • How to store the text templates in a place where they can be unloaded along with the file, or if they should not be unloaded (perhaps a source of memory leaks)
      • Text duplicated in memory: bad?
      • Rendering Whiskers/LaTeX ASTs is very slow for odd reasons. Simpler AST?

    Store things temporarily NO ARCHIVE

      Say we want an expansion to run inside a monad with extra state, or even other side effects. We want to do that locally, because this inner state does not make sense outside.

      • Note taken on

        This is tricky because the state is parametrized by the inner monad and used in contravariant position. So there cannot be a mapOndim :: Ondim tag m a -> Ondim tag n a without two functions right :: forall a. m a -> n a and left :: forall a. n a -> m a. Without specifying the right semantics, what we are after does not even make sense.

      • Note taken on

        Not that tricky anymore! There was only contravariance in Filter and now I’ve just removed it.

      • Note taken on

        Well, I was wrong above. The mere presence of StateT (F m) is contravariant in m, because it takes the previous state as input. I’ve spent the entire afternoon attempting to make it work, just to realize this. 😢

        So, it’s impossible/not well defined.

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      Copyright 2023 @lucasvreis